Management of the project and organization of the network is ensured by the scientific leader, professor Hans Ulrik Riisgård, in close co-operation with key participants responsible for the different main fields of the project consisting of 7 workpackages (WPs).
Steering Committee consists of Hans Ulrik Riisgård (chairman, SDU-NAT), Flemming Møhlenberg (DHI), Eva Roth (SDU-SAMF), Niels T. Eriksen (AAU), Jens Honoré Walther (DTU).
The steering committee is collectively responsible for: Overall coordination at the network level to ensure progress of the project and budget coherence. Approval of proposals for annual timetables and coordination with other relevant national and international research projects. In coordination with the relevant research schools, ensure research training, PhD-courses and collaboration with national and international companies, research teams and networks. Revise research plans. Observe all commitments to The Danish Council for Strategic Research. Administrate IPR and other legal aspects.